Becoming a Vendor
ALERT: You will never be contacted via facebook regarding acceptance status. scammers frequently target potential vendors on facebook and other platforms. acceptance only comes from the following email address:
please review the criteria and REQUIREMENTS below before submitting an application.
Summer Market Application
deadline: march 10th
Accepted Products
Please note that we are a product only market that strives for a composition of:
50% Farmers
30% Value Added Goods
20% Artisans
Products accepted from within a 50 MILE radius include:
Fruit & Vegetables grown by the seller from seeds, seedlings, or sets
Potted plants or live plant starts grown by the seller from seed, seedling, or transplant
Eggs produced by the seller’s poultry
Honey produced by the seller’s bees
Fresh baked goods and prepared food items must be made from scratch by the seller using regionally sourced, sustainable ingredients
Fresh cut flowers grown on the seller’s farm
Meat products must be produced from animals raised on the seller’s farm
Dairy products, including milk, cheese, and yogurt must be produced from animals raised on the seller’s farm
Fish products must be humanely caught or raised
Pet food and treats made from scratch by the seller using regionally sourced, sustainable ingredients
Foraging is an acceptable practice. Foraged products must be approved by the TRFM management prior to sale
Prepared and packaged foods using ingredients sourced from local, SC farms
Bath and Body products that incorporate regional and sustainable ingredients
Natural cleaners that incorporate sustainable ingredients
Handmade artisan products using natural materials (i.e. wood, fiber art, print, soy wax)
Handmade, high quality craft products that include minimal to no pre-manufactured components.
Selection of vendors of approved products is based on:
Market composition parameters (50%, 30%, 20%)
Excessive duplication of a single product
Vendor history at TRFM (attendance, consistency, compliance, etc.)
Sufficient inventory to meet market demand
Not Accepted:
Resellers or wholesalers
Service vendors (note sponsor opportunities for this sector)
Foods prepared in an unauthorized kitchen
Overly processed foods/ premanufactured mixes
Carnival-like foods that do not utilize some local or regional ingredients: (i.e. funnel cakes, candy apples, etc.)
Beverages not produced by vendor business (i.e. soda, energy drinks, etc.)
Meat and dairy products treated with growth hormones
Products containing THC
Products from franchised businesses
If your business does not meet the above requirements at this time – please do not complete the Vendor Application.
Criteria & Required Documents
With your application, all vendors are required to provide the following documentation:
TR Business License (make note that you are a TRFM vendor for a prorated fee).
SC Department of Agriculture and/ or Department of Health certifications, as required by your business (Food2Market FAQ )
Certificate of liability insurance
Application Fees
Additional Farmer Requirements:
Farm & Crop Plans
Anticipated crops intended to be planted, and harvest timeline. We may ask for updated crop plans and harvest dates throughout the season.
Farm site inspection by TRFM staff as part of the application process
Mobile Meat License (meat producers only)
Candling License (egg producers only)
Dairy Manufacturer’s License (cheese producers only)
Cottage License or DHEC License (farms selling value-added products only)
Nursery License
Additional Product for Requirements (for non-agricultural goods):
Product ingredient lists
Product label images
Product samples for New Vendors
Product photos
TRFM is committed to transparency within our vendor community. We reserve the right to request additional information from vendors during the application process and throughout the market season, including but not limited to updated farm plans, planting and harvesting information, information regarding suppliers, or information deemed important to our staff. TRFM also reserves the right to request farm visits or production site visits if questions or concerns regarding products arise.
Vendor Fees
If accepted into a market:
Market fees are to be paid monthly
Market fees paid in advance are not refundable but are transferrable to future markets. Exceptions to the refund policy may apply in the case of a death, a health emergency or cancellations of market due to weather.
Please pay by card or check payable to Travelers Rest Farmers Market and mailed to PO BOX 608 Travelers Rest, SC 29690